Rooted in the innovative approach developed by Katie Sarra, a Body Poem is a reflective and transformative practice that unfolds as a guided meditation. This unique experience focuses on tuning into the sensations alive within the body, allowing you to deeply connect with your inner self. It is an exploration of mindfulness, turning the subtle whispers of your body into a spontaneous, poetic expression.

The Process: As you lay comfortably on the table, I will guide you into a state of stillness through a grounding exercise. This process helps in centering your mind and body, preparing you for introspection. The journey begins with noticing whatever surfaces into your consciousness, from the most subtle sensations to more pronounced feelings.

From this state of heightened awareness, your personal narrative begins to unfold. The sensations and emotions that arise form the basis of a poem, woven from your unique metaphors and associations. This process is not just about creating poetry; it's a pathway to uncovering deeper insights, revelations, and moments of epiphany in an atmosphere of deep connection, care, and tenderness.

Body Poem is a gentle yet powerful tool for:

  • Deep Self-Listening: To hear and acknowledge the hidden aspects of yourself.

  • Emotional Insight and Clarity: Discovering underlying emotions and insights that are waiting to be acknowledged and expressed.

  • Creative Expression: Using your body's language to create a unique and personal poem that resonates with your inner experiences.

  • Healing and Transformation: Transforming unspoken and unnoticed feelings into something beautiful and expressive.


  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Cultivates a deeper understanding of your physical and emotional landscape.

  • Therapeutic Expression: Provides an outlet for expressing and processing emotions in a creative and therapeutic way.

  • Stress Relief and Relaxation: The meditative aspect of this practice promotes relaxation and stress reduction.

  • Empowerment: Encourages a sense of empowerment by valuing and giving voice to your inner experiences.

The Body Poem is an invitation to transform your inner experiences into poetry and beauty, resonating with insight and revelations.