Discovering Your Yes and No.

In our "Embodied Boundaries" session, we uncover and articulate the boundaries within your body. This session is foundational in all of what we do together, as it lays the groundwork for a deep, mutual understanding and respect for your personal space and comfort levels.

At the heart of this session is the practice of discerning the scale of your 'yes' and 'no' – a vital aspect of self-awareness and communication. Utilizing the principles of Betty Martin's renowned '3-Minute Game', we create a safe space for you to explore and express what feels right for you and what doesn’t. This exploration is more than just verbal; it's about tuning into the subtle cues of your body, understanding its signals, and learning to communicate them clearly.

Why is this important in your journey? Because establishing and respecting boundaries is fundamental to all forms of interaction, especially in the realm of intimacy and personal growth. By becoming attuned to your own boundaries, you not only protect your well-being but also cultivate a deeper respect and understanding of yourself. This session empowers you to voice your needs and limits confidently, a skill that is valuable in all areas of life.

The "Embodied Boundaries" session is not just an exercise in communication; it's an act of self-care and empowerment. It’s about honoring your body's wisdom, embracing your autonomy, and stepping into a space where your comfort and consent are held with respect. As we progress through this foundational work, we open the path for more profound and fulfilling experiences in your journey.