Genital Dearmouring is a practice within Sexological Bodywork, addressing the physical and emotional blockages in the genital and pelvic regions. It's designed to help individuals release deep-seated tension and trauma, enabling a return to a state of natural relaxation and bodily awareness.

Why Genital Dearmouring is Important:

  • Physical and Emotional Release: For individuals who have experienced sexual trauma, shame, or physical discomfort in their genital area.

  • Improving Intimacy: Assisting those who struggle with intimacy or connecting with their partner due to physical or emotional barriers.

  • Enhancing Sexual Well-being: Aiding in the improvement of sexual health, pleasure, and overall well-being.

Genital Dearmouring in Sexological Bodywork involves a combination of techniques, including:

  • Light Touch: This involves gentle, feather-like strokes that can help in building trust and comfort. It's often used at the beginning of the session to acclimate the individual to physical contact and to begin establishing a sense of safety and relaxation.

  • Deep Pressure: Applied carefully and with consent, deep pressure can be effective in releasing deeper muscle tension and knots. It's often used to address areas of chronic tightness or to work on deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.

  • Circular Stroking: Circular motions can help in stimulating blood flow and energy movement in the targeted areas. This technique can be soothing and help in gradually unwinding tension.

  • Holding Pressure: Applying consistent, gentle pressure to a specific point can help in releasing emotional and physical blockages. This technique requires sensitivity and attunement to the individual’s responses.

  • Breath-Work Integration: Integrating touch with guided breathing techniques can amplify the healing process. It encourages relaxation, emotional release, and enhances the body’s natural healing response.

  • Energy Work: I can also incorporate elements of energy work, to help balance and move energy in the body, complementing the physical touch techniques.

    Genital Dearmouring can be particularly effective for individuals with trauma, helping to mitigate the body’s instinctive fight, flight, or freeze responses.


  • Releasing Tension: Reduction of chronic pain and tension in the pelvic floor.

  • Emotional Healing: Facilitation of emotional release and processing of past traumas.

  • Increased Sensation: Restoration of sensation and pleasure in the genital area.

  • Improved Intimacy: Enhanced ability to engage in intimate relationships.

Each Genital Dearmouring session is tailored to the individual’s needs, ensuring a respectful and safe environment. It allows individuals to explore their boundaries and preferences, guided by a professional in a nurturing setting.

It is a vital component of Sexological Bodywork, offering a pathway to reclaim bodily autonomy, heal from past traumas, and rediscover the joy of sexual health and intimacy.